Hey (NAME)! So you can start our program with as little as $10.
The total cost is impossible to share with you because you may use free or paid advertising,
you may decide to get an autoresponder or any of the many tools we use to help make your job easier.
You don't have to but the option is there. You may also want to make more money than our first program offers.
The choices are yours.
To tell you the truth, success is never easy and never costs a "set price".
If you want to take control of your future and kick your job or working for someone else to the side,
you have to mean business and this demands that you will need to save up and get whatever it is that you
need to achieve that. It's hard for me to say what that is because I don't know you very well, your finances,
what you have saved up, or your income. I also don't know your skill level.
What I can do for you, however, is teach you real skills. The skills are the most important thing, not the business.
However, having the right tools does come into the equation at the right time. If you want something bad enough,
you should prepare for the adventure, step forward, and do your best. That's all anyone can do and you will
never regret that. What you might regret, however, is the chance to learn the skills and not having the bravery to step
up and try to learn them. I find that the price of discipline is ten times less than the price of regret.
And that's the biggest piece of the puzzle earning successfully online.
The price is always and forever "what you can afford at the time" period. That's been my rule of thumb.
I hope that helps. :)
So YBY is the name of our Team. We've created this cool system to help and train
you in duplication, earning from a very lucrative business and creating
massive leverage. We also give you paid members to help you build your
team as you help us. You can see everything here:
If you join us in the first program, make sure to join under Rose-Mary as I'm helping her next.
I will be able to help you in the same way, I'm helping her. I will also be here for you personally!
Will you let me know if or when you get started so I can help you, (NAME)?
~Albie (Your Name)